About CGAPP India
Centre for Global Affairs and Public Policy – CGAPP (formerly CGSK) is a non-profit, independent organisation set up in 2021 facilitating interdisciplinary research on governance, economy and issues of global significance. It purports to generate research on issues related to sustainable development, public policy, evaluation of government interventions, economic policy, trade and commerce as well as international relations and politics and regional and global dynamics from an Indian perspective.
CGAPP brings together a body of prominent academicians, scholars and professionals from diverse disciplinary and professional backgrounds articulating different positions on themes and issues to facilitate constructive policy design and issues and encourage broader awareness about global affairs. Our organisation intends to collaborate with national and international research organizations to promote greater exchange and dissemination of ideas on issues of common concern.
In order to achieve these objectives, CGAPP seeks funding support for its projects from different governmental and private organisations as well as from funding agencies of both national and international import.